Julegaver til under 1000 kr

Our best tips when you want to invest in clear, Swedish design and interior details for those who appreciate stylish design with a preference for natural materials. Here you will find several of our typical classic Granit favorites but also news from this year's Fall collection.
Bordlampe Bærbar LED Beigekr 799
Bordlampe Bærbar LED Svartkr 799
Vegghylle Träkr 599
Speil Trekr 799
Bord/Krakk Träkr 599
Sidebord Träkr 999
Hylle Neo 86x18cm Stålkr 599
Bordlampe Kvadrat Stålkr 899
Børstet bomullspledd Anna Mörner 130x170cm Bruntkr 499,50 kr 999
Børstet bomullspledd Anna Mörner 130x170cmkr 499,50 kr 999
Bord Betong 28x68cm Sortkr 999
Pall Betong 40x37cm Svartkr 599
Bordlampe Opal Hvitkr 699
Väska Weekend Khakigrönkr 999
Veske Totebag/Ryggsekk Svartkr 599
Veske Weekend Svartkr 999
Skrivebordslampe Svartkr 799
Skrivebordslampe Beigekr 799
Bordlampe Olof Svartkr 299
Bordlampe Olof Kakigrønnkr 299